Undocumented Student Resources

Undocumented Student Resources

We welcome you to Solano Community College! We are committed to creating a safe space for our Undocu Scholars. We provide resources and valuable information to help you achieve your academic and career goals.


Tuesday: 10am -11am

Thursday: 2pm – 3pm

Meeting ID: 872 320 1090

**If you are not able to make it to the drop-in hours, please email me at Cristina.Sanchez@baoqiuyue.net and we will coordinate a good time for you.


California Residency: 

Solano Residency Information

AB 540 – California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Form

AB 2210 – California Nonresident Tuition Exemption – Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders

Basic Residency Questionare

Basic Residency Questionare – under 19

CA Dream Act:

Submit the CA Dream Act if you qualify for AB 540 and are: undocumented, a DACA, TPS, or U Visa holder, beginning October 1, 2020 for the 2021-2022 academic year (Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Summer 2022) at dream.csac.ca.gov

Undocumented transfer events with UC davis and sf state


Undocumented: An undocumented individual is a non-citizen living in the U.S. without authorization in the form of valid immigration status having entered without inspection or entered with a valid non-immigrant visa that has since expired.

Ca dream act, Ab540, and DACA process.


I am undocumented can I attend college? 

Yes! There is no federal law that prohibits admission of undocumented students to private or public institutions. 

Do I need a social security number to attend college?

Students are NOT required to provide a social security card or government ID proof of U.S. residency.

Can I receive state financial aid to attend college?

Yes! The CA Dream Act Application (CADAA) is used by undocumented students who meet the eligibility requirements of AB 540. 

Will my information be kept confidential?

Yes, your information is protected by FERPA. FERPA is a federally-mandated law to ensure the privacy of student records. Students who attend college, regardless of age, are considered college students and are given this protected status. Only students have the right to their academic records, and SCC is unable to release this information to anyone else without the written consent of the student.


Cristina Sanchez, B.A | She, hers, ella

Dreamer Resource Liaison

Email: Cristina.Sanchez@baoqiuyue.net

Phone: (707) 864-7000, ext. 5627


Undocumented mural to support our dreamer students.  This land is your land butterfly  

Pictured (middle) SCC student artist creater of ‘Dreams Have NO Borders’ mural. (2019)

SCC student and faculty coloring butterflies for mural    Student service staff members posing in front of the mural.

Pictured student, faculty, and SCC staff member at the Undocumented Student Week of Action 2019. 

Sarahi Espinoza sharing her experience as a undocumented student     Sarahi Espinoza sharing her time as an undocu student at Stanford.

Pictured Sarahi Espinoza Salamanca founder of Dreamers RoadMap, sharing her story of triumph to SCC students. (2019)

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